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Friday, May 13, 2005


Listening to NPR is so “cool” for lack of “me” using a better word, lol, that it keeps me informed on world issues. I can’t think of the last time I watched the local news, is it wrong that I don’t care?…“Murder today, a rape on the streets of Los Angeles, a car chase ends in tragedy, all tonight at 5pm.” I think this is the reason why I don’t tune to watch the local news, I much rather hear about a car bombing in Iraq, or hear that there were protest in Uzbekistan and protesters were killed by police. Isn’t it ironic? It’s not that I don’t care what happens in Los Angeles, but maybe subconsciously I just want to believe that these things aren’t happening around me, after all it’s not a great story to hear. I much rather hear that today the art world has found 32 unknown paintings by the late Jackson Pollock, stored in a Long Island storage, than hear there’s been shootings on freeways. You may say I’m a dreamer, to quote John Lennon, but that might be what keeps me going, and it might not be what works for you. I always imagine how great my life would be if I were ignorant and didn’t know what current events my immediate world was going through; Ignorance is truly bliss, the less you know the less you worry about.

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