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Friday, May 06, 2005

Why Angelina Broke My Heart

I first saw you on this cheesy movie called Firefox, I ran into you again when I saw you in Hackers. Those always noticeable and sexy famous lips, the characters full of rebellion and aggression. Gia blew me away and I didn’t know it then, but everyone started talking about your history, your similarity to Gia’s character; the broken home and the early marriage to Jonny Lee Miller, there was pain there. I found myself plastering your image all over my desk, knowing little things about your life, and now I’m distant. You married Billy Bob Thornton, how can I ever forget that. Billy and Angelina, you were all over town, kissing and hugging each other making headlines constantly. Why did you tattoo his name on your arm? You were Good Will Ambassador for the UN and were involved with various charities, I applaud you for that. I saw you and little Maddox on this months issue of Vanity Fair, that little boy is a cutie. I hope you regain popularity with me, I know it’s not your fault, but the choice of movies and you being all over the print media and TV is not favoring you.

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