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Monday, June 20, 2005

No Pictures, Just A Map

No pictures of my weekend adventures, only anecdotes today.

an·ec·dote ( P )
A short account of an interesting or humorous incident.

Friday night I returned to my rightful seat at the poker table. I played to win and in the end I took 2nd place; I was dissapointed becuase in retrospect I didn't make good calls, I took it as a game and not as earning money. I can't complain I won $120, but $200+ would've been better.

Saturday we took a convertible ride up PCH. It was DJ's bday June 14th and Hvnly decided to surprise her with a convertible ride. (note: this is my first entry and acknowledgemet of DJ in my blog). Started in West Covina and after a cruise down the 605 we ended up by Snoop Dogs town of the LBC. Stopped by Papaluccis an ordered some shrimp platters, garlic rolls a must and some beverages. Enjoyed the meal and went over the Vincent Thomas bridge and stopped by the Korean American Friendship bell in San Pedro. I didn't know that quineceaneras and wedding parties went there to take pictures. Hvnly saw me take a picture of a wedding party and mentioned that she can see me writing in my blog about this. It was a pretty big family with like eight couples dressed up as part of the wedding. One thing I have to say is that I am not going to have 8 couples introduced before me when I get married. I hate weddings and I won't put any of my friends through that shit. I just want you to show up and have a good time, and if you were taking a piss when we were being introduced who cares, you already know us if not why on earth are you at my wedding? OK enough about that and lets continue with my Saturday adventure. One of my favorite parts of the drive was the Portuguese bend, by Palos Verdes. The bend had nice curves along the road and great views of the Pacific Ocean. I was enjoying the ride, perhaps more so than DJ & Hvnly, that when we approached Redondo Beach I was dissapointed because I saw city traffic, huge SUVs and civilization. As I write this I feel like I should become Harrison Ford's character, Allie Fox, from the movie The Mosquito Coast. In the movie Allie Fox becomes disilussioned with the US and decides to leave and go to Central America and live there with his family. His motivations were political, different reasons than the ones I'm feeling now; however, there are times where I wish I can live in an island. I ponder, once I'm there if I would miss my TV and technology, or I can have my cake and eat it to. Live in an island and have technology, shit it's my wish. Got a bit sidetracked there but had to paint you a picture of how I felt, I guess you only understand what I was trying to convey if you saw the movie. Moving on; We reached our final destination from our trip, stopped the engine and put in in park, we were at the Santa Monice Pier, one of DJ's favorite hang outs. Hvnly bought us some ice cream comes, it was like icing on the cake. After the ice cream we played some video games, took some pictures in a booth, and walked around the peer. We drove home and stopped by to grab some food. I enjoyed there company very much and it was a fine ride, only bad thing is that my face was all red and burnt.

Line in red denotes the drive I took Saturday.

Sunday was Fathers Day, like Felipe sent me in a text "I like it when you call me big poppa" lol. Our family got together so we could celebrate dads day, I was telling Hvnly how throughout my 28 years of existence I've never seen my dad blow a candle. It's sad that we've always called my mother on Mothers day, celebrated her birthday when we could, but nothing for dad. I know we all have faults in our life and being an alcoholic was one of his, but he's changed and has not been one for more than 15 years. I know that my brothers have pushed my father aside, perhaps subconsciously, and it was becuase there was lack of involvement on his part. Not being involved is a cycle, if you don't break it you will pass that on to your offspring and they will do it to their kids unless somone stops it. There is a happy story coming up, in the end, we were all there together at last, no one was missing except my brothers two daugthers and there kids. My brothers and sisters were all there, kids were swimming in the pool and the grill was charing and cooking some chicken and meat. My dad cut the cake and we took pictures, he was happy and being silly like always, giving everyone a tiny slice of cake. In the end I'm glad to say that at least once, we celebrated something in his honor. I have a few moments with my father that are dear to me, and as I write this I begin to think of them all. When I was just a young boy, I was probaly three years old, he would grab one of the stuffed animals and talk to me, and say "Omarito que estas haciendo". I can remember him laying on the bed as I was probably giggling and laughing becuase a stuffed animal was talking to me. He took me to my first soccer game when I was 12 years old, I had been playing organized soccer since a young age, but he never took me to a game or kicked the ball around with me. The first time we shared a beer, we drove all the way from Ameca to Los Angeles, just the two of us. There was a truck that was driving next to us for most of the drive from Sinaloa to Nogales, the man driving the other truck made a gesture to slow down so he can give us some beers. He threw over three Estrella beers (it's the same taste as corona or sol), and my dad said here take one and drink it, I remember thinking to myself he's offering me a beer and I'm only 13. This will quench your thirst, he said to me, I remember taking a sip, it was bitter but it felt so good going down my throat. That was the first time I had an alcoholic beverage, guess I like the way Coronas taste ever since then, THANKS DAD!

Well I guess that sums up my weekend and thoughts, Friday night I didn't win the big pot playing poker. Saturday I had one of the best drives in my life that I got to share with Hvnly and DJ, it rivals a San Francisco drive. Sunday I hung out with my big Mexican familia, we had some cerveza, carne y pollo en las brasas, and we celebrated Fathers day. Yes I didn't win first place, but I have great momories that will stay with me because of this weekend, these are worth more than what I would have won playing poker.

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