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Thursday, June 02, 2005

No Women Drivers

Driving for women in Saudi Arabia is prohibited.

This is one thing I learned today, I had no idea that such a ban existed in the world today. I knew women couldn’t leave there home without being accompanied by their husband or another male relative, but not being able to drive is crazy. Only Saudi Arabia has such a ban in the world today. I know I’m being ethnocentric, but the thought itself so mind boggling. I read an article today about a proposal in Saudi Arabia; it was only a proposal for talks to allow women to drive; talks alone have become such an issue, its taboo. Mohammad al-Zulfa brought forth the idea and has been receiving phone calls and text messages saying he is driven by “carnal instincts”. I feel that only something positive can come out of this if they allow women to drive, but again I don’t live nor think like a Saudi. I’m sure the proposal wont change but it will be interesting to follow the story.

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f_ said...

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